Three Weeks

Three weeks (well, technically nineteen days) until Twin Blades is released to the world.

If you’re reading this, thank you so much for checking out my lil website! It’s still a work in progress (I’m self-publishing so all of this is me fumbling my way and learning as I go), but I wanted a more official place to house my book and my thoughts.

As I now have the paperback proofs in my hands, I can’t help but think back to second grade (?), wherein we were assigned to write a “book” a month. My memory is hazy, but I do recall that this project was not the “thing” that made me want to be an author, but rather, the validation that said to eight-year-old-me, “Yes, you knew that this is what you wanted to do.”

Fast forward some twenty-odd years later, and my love for reading was reinvigorated by the tidal wave many of us got caught up in—ACOTAR. As a child and teen, I loved to read all things fantasy, romance, and ooky spooky. Somehow, though, I forgot this once I went off to college.

I took a few creative writing courses during my undergraduate studies, and I dabbled in writing a few short stories afterward. But on some random night in April of this year, I decided that I would sit down with a google doc and write about the characters that have been in my head since… a long, long time.

And… the writing turned into a fixation. One where I camped out at coffee shops, stayed up late, and treated writing this story like it was a third job. All of a sudden, I was 80k words deep.

And all the while, I was gobbling up as many books as I could read, and I discovered the world of self-publishing. Throwing a piece of work out to the masses and retaining creative control. I researched, I had hiccups, but eventually, on another random day (this time in August), I finished Twin Blades.

Now, as I face nineteen days before release, it still doesn’t quite feel real. I’ve never created something with the sole purpose of sharing with the world. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t scared shitless. But! I have enough of some self-delusion to think that I wrote a damn good book, and I hope that (at least most) people think so, too!

Not sure how much I’ll keep up this blog feature, but I wanted to share these thoughts and mark this occasion. I would say that eight-year-old me would be in disbelief to see this dream come to fruition, but that would be a lie. While this feels surreal, it also feels right.


Character Illustration #1